Women are so, so illogical ... and all we try to do is to ... change them. On and on and on ... like idiots … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

Men ... real men ... can't live without women.

Men ... need the connection.

Need ... duality.

Adores it ... but also has addiction for it.

Unfortunately .... no matter how good we synchronise into the relationship ... randomly something is happening ... and ... we start to make things which ruins the beauty of that connection.

We start calling our women ... crazy ... illogical ... etc etc.

And .... we strongly believe we are right.

Sooner or later ... realising we can't live without that soul ... we try to explain and make understand ... how all should happen.

... not realising it's all just a perception.

So ... we say about one thing ... then another one ... and another one ... realising sooner or later .... that in fact it is all an infinite list with requests.

And ... we keep explaining …

Yes ... man finds the woman ... too illogical.



It sounds like the words of a weird misogynist perception ... but ....

Then ... all those explanations start to metamorphose into ... requests.

More ... and more requests.

Until ... it all looks like ... we want to totally change the woman.

... according to our perceptions.

Most probably ... it all looks like a ridiculous behaviour.

Done in continuous form.

Repeated ... on and on and on.

Well ... until all is ruined.

The woman ... no matter if is an illogical creature or not ... can't lose her identity.

... cannot continue existing if loses her native way of being.

But like idiots ... we cannot understand it.

So ... we continue being and acting like idiots ... defining the woman as illogical and ... demanding her immediate change ... according to our perceptions.

Which ... is totally illogical.

The woman is .... woman.

And ... needs to be accepted as ... she is.


Unfortunately ... many of us ... can't see that ...



Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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